Top 25 Best PS4 Games Of All Time

What's up guys it's earnest Sony has been putting out some awesome titles from 1169 games were showcasing the creme de la creme with this top 25 list of PlayStation 4 games of all time arranged by Playscore. The Playscore is an average of gamer and critic ratings. 25. Horizon Zero Dawn And opening our list is horizon zero dawn with a history of satisfying undead killing sprees in the Killzone guerrilla games leaped into something new with his action RPG about a primitive cyborg dinosaur infested post-apocalypse. An open-world experience made better by compelling premise rising zero Dawn became the first choice for people with a taste for action and adventure expanding a Lloyd's story further in refining combat in the sizable frozen wilds expansion horizon zero dawn gets a Playscore of 9.0. 24. ASTRO BOT Rescue Mission Further ahead at number 24 is Astro bot rescue mission one of the recent additions to our list Astro Bot sneaked into our hearts at the tail of 20...